czech it out
so i finaly made it to ceska republika. ny was wonderful (shout out to lesslee and teli). we have spent the last few days walking back in time through this beautiful city... coble stone streets that twist and turn revealing amazing art nouveau structures and 13th century cathedrals around every corner. we strolled the charles bridge built in 1348 and held together with egg shell, radka tells me. we hiked to the top of the hill on the other side and climbed the steps of Prahas version of the eifel tower for an uninterupted view...breath taking. today was spent ín the Karlstejn Castle built to house the crown jewels and the treasures of the roman empire utill the 1600s....super old school! we are kicking it right now at a little pub/internet cafe (beer=50cents) with our friend collin from sf. he has just fininshed up an art instalation in paris...something dealing with artificial intelligence....hmmmm. tonight is about to begin. did you know you can buy absinth in prague : )