Operation Fish & Ships...
...adopt a boat for Sir Lanka!
Many of our friends and family, including my travelblog readers, have asked how they can help the people of Sri Lanka rebuild their lives after the devastating tsunami of December 26, 2004. I know there are those of you who have already contributed to relief efforts in the tsunami devastated areas. Those of you who still wish to contribute to a worthwhile project, Operation Fish and Ships will assist the people of Sri Lanka to rebuild their devastated fishing industry by providing them with new boats as well as the expertise and materials to repair damaged ones. It is estimated that within 5 mins on December 26, 50% of the registered fishing fleet in Sri Lanka was either damaged or destroyed.
Operation Fish and Ships is one of many bold but believable projects of AdoptSriLanka, a U.K. based organization of Sri Lankans and expatriates working to help the people of the villages along Sri Lanka’s southern coast , including Weligama where Radka and I were staying. (To view some of the projects now underway, go to www.adoptsrilanka.com.) They are all volunteers; all donations will go directly to help the villagers. Donations to adopt a boat are tax deductible and may be made through AdoptSriLanka’s registered U.S.A. affiliate charity, The Sri Lankan Association of Greater Washington (SLAGW).
If we collectively pool our donations (no amount is too small) we could adopt a traditional “Oru” catamaran fishing boat for the village of Weligama. The boat will be equipped with nets and a 25HP engine for a total cost of US$5,000.00. We will be provided with a copy of the boat’s registration, will be given naming rights to the boat (any suggestions??), and will be encouraged to establish an ongoing relationship with the fishing cooperative that assumes ownership. Once our goal of $5,000.00 has been reached, AdoptSriLanka will provide reports on the boat’s progress as well as digital photographs of the finished product. Should we go over our goal of $5,000.00, we could look toward adopting a smaller boat as well (US$500.00) or support a fishing boat workshop in Sri Lanka for the repair of boats and engines.
We have submitted a Participation Form to AdoptSriLanka stating our intent to adopt a boat for the village of Weligama in behalf of “Friends of Tee & Radka”. Their contact will be my parents, Tom & Kit Cardaci with whom the project will be identified.
Checks should be made out to: SLAGW (the Sri Lankan Assoc. of Greater Washington)
On the check memo line write: AdoptSriLanka- Adopt a Boat-Tom / Kit Cardaci
Mail checks to: Tom Cardaci, 23873 Bailey Neck Dr., Onancock, VA 23417
They will account for all donations and make sure they get to SLAGW so that you will receive a receipt for a tax- deductible donation.
If you prefer to send a donation directly, you may do so by mailing check to SLAGW, 1820 N. Ft. Myer Dr., Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22209. (Make sure the info above is on the check’s memo line). You can also make a bank transfer to account of SLAGW, Chevy Chase Bank, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. Routing #544 374 711. Specify funds are for AdoptSriLanka – Adopt a Boat – Tom/Kit Cardaci.
If you are sending directly to SLAGW, confirm your donation with an e-mail to donations@adoptsrilanka.com with a copy to nihalg@istiinc.com detailing the amount of the donation and that it is for “ Adopt a Boat” affiliated with “ Tom/Kit Cardaci”.
Radka & I thank you for your support. The people of Sir Lanka thank you!
xxoo-->tee & radka...